No Pasaran! Solidarity statement from RoR budapest to comrades from ukraine

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original article:

on sunday the 26th of january 2014, ror budapest demonstrated in solidarity with our comrades and friends in kiev from ror and allied groups, who are resisting police brutality and state aggressions.

we have decided to join a protest in budapest to directly express our profound disagreement with the state, its implicit repressions, manifested in the most violent ways lately in the streets of kiev and other cities. together with our anti-authoritarian friends from there, we shouted:

global solidarity against police brutality!; say it loud and say it clear, police state not welcome here!; equality, liberty, global solidarity!; buntuj, kohaj, prava ne viddavaj (ukr: rebel, love, don’t give away your rights!); le a rendorallammal (hu: down with the police state!).

unfortunately, part of the demo was highjacked by nationalists. even though we noticed a lot of nationalistic/fascist imagery at the protest(hungarian, ukrainian, ukrainian insurrectionary army flags, crosses, chanted hymns and so on) we chose to deliberately act against this procession, intervene and try to reclaim the demo with our drums and shouts, supported by our anti-fascist and feminist comrades from ukraine. before and during our drumming, there were attempts to stop us from playing.

we distance ourselves completely from these incidents and stand against the nationalist/far-right ultra-christian masculinist tones at this protest which were in the end predominant. we were there to support our queer feminist anti-fascist, anticapitalist and anti-authoritarian comrades who are currently outnumbered and struggling to survive against both the state and its oppressive apparatus of power, and its far-right allies.

2 mintys apie „No Pasaran! Solidarity statement from RoR budapest to comrades from ukraine“

Komentuoti: Odette Atšaukti atsakymą

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