As an outcome of discussions at the TNM at Alte Hölle, a page was created where RoR bands who wish to do so can make a public statement to express solidarity with the Palestinian people: Palestine Statements
Kategorie: Uncategorized
Eine Reise parallel zur Dystopie
Diese Buchstabensuppe ist die Erzählung einer Klangreise durch Raum und Zeit. Sie basiert lose auf Ereignissen, die im Sommer 2020 stattgefunden haben und inspiriert sind. Sie wurde aus Liebe zum Schreiben geschrieben und ohne andere Absicht.
Allein reisen ist eine einzigartige Art zu reisen, denn es bringt die Reise in den Mittelpunkt der Erfahrung. Die teilweise Aufhebung des Lockdowns in einigen europäischen Gebieten eröffnete dem Autor ein kleines Zeitfenster, um Menschen und Gruppen zu begegnen.… Continue reading
MRCC Bremen Protest und Video-Streaming
Am vergangenen Wochenende (2020-04-25), Alarmtelefon, Seebrücke und RoR Bremen haben sich zu einer kurzen Protestaktion vor dem Bremer Rettungsleitungszentrum zusammengefunden.
Während der Aktion haben wir die «corona» sozialen Distanzbestimmungen des Bremer Ordnungsamtes beachtet: Masken tragen (keine schlechte Sache für einen Aktivisten;)) und 2 m Abstand halten, keine Gegenstände tauschen (also auch keine Instrumente/Pfeifen austauschen). Insgesamt waren wir etwa 25 Personen – darunter 2 Bannerträger, 1 Redner, 2 Filmcrew, Leute der anderen Gruppen und Zuschauer.… Continue reading
Virtual Transnational Funk
The current Corona situation prevents most of us from gathering to rehearse and from being politically active at all, on the one hand out of social responsibility towards those whose health and life is at risk because of the virus and the collapsing health system, but on the other hand because many states are making use of the situation to restrict our possibility to move freely, gather and express ourselves politically, in ways that are not remotely justifiable by a potential risk of infection.… Continue reading
Free the Sambistas in Belarus-Down with all governments
„Parasites“ law triggers mass protests in Belarussian cities, hundreds of arrests in response
Since several weeks, unprecedented mass protests are going on in several cities in Belarus. The trigger of the unrest is the decree #3 – a law which demands a tax from people who are not working, because they are considered social parasites. In less than a month the focus shifted to a general discontent against the government and the consequences of 23 years with president Lukashenko in power.
„Free the Sambistas in Belarus-Down with all governments“ weiterlesen
Anarchie – Ordnung ohne Herrschaft
Warum wir die KTS verlassen und warum es jetzt zwei RoR-Gruppen in Freiburg gibt!
Um Gerüchten vorzubeugen und Klarheit zu schaffen, haben wir beschlossen, diese Stellungnahme zu veröffentlichen:
Als Großteil von SamBasta, wie sie bis vor wenigen Monaten bestand, bestehen wir, die Verfasser_innen dieses Textes, weiterhin als aktive Rhythms-of-Resistance (RoR) Band [1] . Allerdings verorten wir uns nicht mehr in der KTS. Ein Grund dafür ist die Zuspitzung eines Konfliktes, der zu unwiderruflichem Vertrauensverlust führte.… Continue reading
The story about samba action against fascist conference in St. Petersburg and arrest that followed
I’m at home now after a night spent at the police department. Me and three of my comrades were arrested for showing our disapproval to Nazis, who came to the International Russian Conservative Forum that was held in Holiday Inn, St. Petersburg 22nd of March. If you don’t know what was hidden behind their „traditional values“ discourse, you can read this article.… Continue reading
Erdoğan is right! We do not care about fıtrat!
A day before 25 November, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, President Erdoğan made a statement about the difference of nature or disposition (*fıtrat*) between women and men. Previously, in 2010, he had stated that he did not believe in equality between women and men due to their dispositions. We replied to this statement by saying that “the more you tell us not being equal with men, the more we get killed.”… Continue reading
RoR echos from Finland
Its summer in Finland. We sit in a circle with seven people from RoR Helsinki, and a few guest sambistas. Questions are put on the table, and soon after come the answers, from different directions. Here an attempt to capture some of what was talked. Thanks to everyone that participated:
1. How is RoR Helsinki? Can you describe it for us?
We sound good.… Continue reading
International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners
In summer 2013 members of several ABC groups discussed the necessity of introducing an International Day for Anarchist Prisoners.
They found it important to emphasise the stories of our comrades. Many imprisoned anarchists will never be acknowledged as ’political prisoners’ by formal human-rights organisations, because their sense of social justice is strictly limited to the capitalist laws which are designed to defend the State and prevent any real social change.… Continue reading